Work in progress

I normally get round to writing up projects when they finish.  However, in the case of Fortuna II,  I think that a few interim ‘position reports’ are needed.

After hauling Fortuna out at Baltic Wharf in August 2013 I stripped off her paint, removed a few obviously rotten planks and undertook a detailed condition assessment.  She had suffered, as is all too frequently the case, from rainwater damage.  Basically sound below the waterline, but failing at the deck margins, work required included: new frame heads more or less all-round; beam shelf repairs; a rebuild of the deck step which had failed and about 450′ of above-waterline planking.  Most of the electro mechanical systems (with the exception of the engine) were rejected and the tankage, wiring and plumbing systems slated for replacement.

How we identified the need for a new deck is a good example of how, once you start on a restoration intending to create a boat that will be sound for a good few years, things often snowball.  The deck, tongue and groove western read cedar currently sheathed in glass/epoxy was basically waterproof and in order.  However, there were a large number of raised (but currently intact) blisters.

The cause was the galvanised nails used to secure the deck planking. The galvanisation had (after 55 years) failed and the nails, starting to rust, had expanded and forced their way out of the top of the deck.  Replacing the deck two or three years after she gets re-launched would not make sense, digging out the nails was not viable – so a new deck went on the job list.

Anyway, here are a few pictures.


2 responses to “Work in progress”

  1. Lorne Duncan Avatar
    Lorne Duncan

    Great photos Charlie….Thanks . You never know what is in the box until you open it!!!!! You certainly have your work cut out for you. Nice to hear from you

    Vancouver Island

  2. John Barry Avatar
    John Barry

    Hi Charlie, thankyou so much for the Photos. I am currently beginning a disassembly of a 1949 Tore Herlin Vessel from Sweden and am trying to determine whether a restoration is viable. initial look is that the vessel is a good candidate. The boat is a sloop rigged 34foot full keel sailboat that was in sailing condition before going into dry storage for 8yrs. I would love to share information about restorations with anyone reading this. you can contact me at . I live in rural Saskatchewan and am eager to start the resto. Like all that work on wooden boats – i would love to see it on the water again. i have a few years at home and enjoy seeing the efforts that others are putting into restorations. keep up the good work as it is inspiring me.

    John Barry

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