Hull Repairs

The majority of the structural problems that had to be addressed were consequences of the ingress of rainwater at or just below deck level.  Below the waterline Fortuna II was, rather surprisingly, sound.

As I started to take soft planking off the scale of the framing problems started to become apparent.

The deck step was the largest single problem.  It had clearly been giving problems for years and showed evidence of numerous interventions.


Rotten sheer strake, frame heads & ecking pieces


In the seventies a large rubber rubbing strake had been bolted through the sheer strake.  This had allowed water ingress through the sheer strake causing the sheer strake, ecking pieces and the majority of forward frame heads to rot.

The view out forward once the stemhead fitting had been removed and most of the soft timber chopped out


Hull repairs carried out were to:

  • Re-build deck step structures including lengths of beamshelf, deck beams and frames.
  • Scarph in approximately 45 frame heads below deck level
  • Re-build the top end of the stem
  • Replace approximately 300′ of topside and bulwark planking
  • Replace the bulwark stanchions
  • Replace sections of the transom
  • Replace the upper rubbing strake

Portside deck step framework during reconstruction


Lots of frame heads waiting for replacement


Planking was replaced using Honduras pitch pine



The forward end of the sheer strake, rather surprisingly, didn’t need steam.


All the old stanchions had rotted at the covering board – but the teak covering board was saved.


Below the waterline I/we

  • removed all the through hulls
  • removed, coated & re-instated the ballast keel
  • Renewed corroded fastenings
  • Splined the sternpost deadwoods (after sea trials showed up fissures that were not taking up)

Not much left of the keel bolts


After structural repairs  were complete the plank seams were raked out and the complete boat was re-caulked.  The hull was then splined above the waterline and puttied below the waterline.

Splining topsides seams with red cedar.


The splined topsides have been faired and I am preparing to re-cut the cove line


Caulked and puttied with red lead below the waterline (note the newly installed bowthruster)


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